March 27, 2020
Updated premium pay info for members working in Loblaws stores

Loblaws has provided details of how UFCW 247 members working for Loblaws company stores (Superstore, Extra Foods, No Frills, etc.) will receive their COVID-19 

$2.00 per hour premium pay:

  • All colleagues/employees on Workday
  • Weekly paid colleagues/employees on Workday will see the first of these premiums deposited on their April 2nd pay, including a lump sum payment retroactive to March 8.
  • Bi-Weekly paid colleagues / employees on Workday will receive a special pay on April 2nd, which will include their ESPP retro for the pay period of March 8th to March 21st and then;
  • Bi- Weekly paid colleagues / employees will see their regular pay and any premiums earned from March 22nd to April 4th on their April 9th pay
  • Franchise colleagues/employees and Extra Foods will see these deposits on April 9th, also including a retroactive lump sum payment back to March 8.
  • Store Managers and Book Keepers are aware of this and stores are advising colleagues accordingly.
  • The premium will be paid on all hours worked.