DON’T LET OTHERS DECIDE FOR YOU: PLEASE VOTE! July 2, 2022 – update to members Do we settle, or do we strike? It’s your decision. It’s time for all UFCW Local 247 members working at BC Superstore locations and warehouses to make an important decision. Votes on the latest contract offer from Loblaw will be […]
Message from your Union Bargaining Committee
SETTLE OR STRIKE: IT’S UP TO YOU Together, we’ve been fighting hard for what BC’s food workers need and deserve: RESPECT for all the essential work we do and PAY so we can keep up. Food workers everywhere have had to fight to put food on their own tables while grocery store owners have made […]
June 26th update – Explanation meetings and Voting Locations confirmation
Loblaw Superstore and Loblaw DC – Ratification Schedule Telephone town hall explanations are now confirmed for Tuesday June 28th and Wednesday June 29th. **The Memorandum of Settlement is being finalized and will be posted prior to the first explanation meeting.** Schedule is as follows: Retail: Tuesday, June 28th ** 7:30am ** or 2:30pm ** Due to […]
June 23rd + 24th Meeting Update – Agreement reached – Tentative schedule updated *
Your Union Committee has reached an agreement with Loblaw that we will be bringing back to the members to vote on. More details will be posted over the weekend. Tentative explanation dates are being booked for next week. These dates will be confirmed once the service contract has been signed. Tentative voting dates are being […]
Meeting with senior Loblaw Management update
On June 9th Local 247 President Dan Goodman, Secretary Treasurer Charles Pratt and UFCW National President Paul Meinema met with senior Loblaw officials on the state of negotiations for Loblaw members. As a result of those meetings the parties have agreed to meet on June 23 and 24 to allow the Company to present an […]
Loblaw meeting scheduled June 9
President Dan Goodman and Secretary Treasurer Charles Pratt are scheduled to meet with UFCW National President Paul Meinema and Senior Loblaw management on June 9th. As previously stated by President Dan Goodman, the request was made to meet with senior officials who ultimately have the authority to make changes to the Company’s offer. As talks with local […]
Strike Commonly asked Questions
Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Additional information may be added as more questions may come in that will need to be answered: PICKET LINE PROTOCOL 1. Picketing has been defined as “patrolling at the entrance of the employer’s business by members of a trade union who carry/wear signs or distribute leaflets in […]
UFCW National President to Assist with Loblaw Stalemate
Your Union’s Retail Negotiating Committee met with the Company’s committee on May 30th and 31st. Discussions ensued and it was strongly reiterated to the Company that their last offer was not enough, and that the membership has issued a strong 97 percent strike mandate. The Company presented different options which your committee felt did not […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining Update: Retail Committee Returning to Bargaining Table
Following the strike votes, a 97% strike mandate was obtained last week. Your Union advised the Company of this strong mandate and requested the Company to return to the bargaining table for further talks. The Loblaw Retail Bargaining Committee has agreed to return to the table, and further negotiation dates are now scheduled for May […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining: Strike Vote Results
To all members employed at Loblaw’s Superstore and Distribution Centres, the strike vote has concluded and the ballots have been counted. The members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike by 97%. Thank you to all of you who have voted, every vote counts and your support for the strike mandate was a necessaryto […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining Strike Vote Reminder
This has been a busy time for many. As your Union Representatives have been visiting and calling locations throughout the province, many of you have shared your personal stories and situations. Understandably we all speak from different backgrounds, and we all have different financial commitments. Strike Votes will be commencing this Saturday May 14th, and it […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining Update: Strike Vote Scheduled
The Memorandum of Settlement has been rejected by 78 percent, which clearly sends the message that the Company’s final offer was not good enough. While we have reached out to the Company’s Retail and Distribution Centre’s negotiations committee with the vote results, we have not received any indication on whether they intend to come back […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining: Voting Results
Thank you to all members who participated in one of the scheduled explanation meetings and took the time to vote. It is an important union responsibility to exercise your rights to participate in the collective bargaining process and have your voice heard through your ballot. The voting process has been concluded and all ballots received […]
Loblaw’s Superstore Bargaining: Voting
The explanation of tentative agreement meetings have all taken place this week via telephone town hall, as scheduled. We want to thank the many members who took the time to participate and ask questions. It’s important that members understand what the negotiated changes mean, how the committee achieved such improvements during negotiations with the Company […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining Update: Ratification Meeting Dates and Times
********Update: May 6 2022 The Memorandum of Settlement has been rejected by 78 percent, which clearly sends the message that the Company’s final offer was not good enough. While we have reached out to the Company’s Retail and Distribution Centre’s negotiations committee with the vote results, we have not received any indication on whether […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining Update – Tentative Agreement Reached
On April 7th, after 16 days of negotiations, the Loblaw’s Distribution Centre bargaining committee presented a comprehensive offer of settlement. A day later, after 25 days of bargaining, the Loblaw’s Retail bargaining committee also presented a comprehensive offer of settlement to your committee. These offers addressed many of the union’s key bargaining issues that were […]
Single-step Union Certification Coming to B.C.
BC NDP’s Ministry of Labour Harry Bains has introduced an ammendment to Bill 10 of the Labour Relations Code which will ensure single-step certification when at least 55% of the employees in a workplace sign a union support card. This is an impressive step forward for workers' rights with BC returning to a system that […]
UFCW Union Pension Plan – Retirement Planning Seminar
Bisland Griffith, the administrator group of the UFCW Pension Plan, has announced that they will be offering a virtual Retirement Planning Seminar on May 15 & 16, 2022. The seminar is open to any active UFCW 247 member who is between the ages of 50-65 and employed at Safeway, Safeway Extra, Stong’s, Kootenay Markets, IGA […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining Update: March 15-18
The Loblaw’s bargaining committee has tabled a comprehensive monetary offer which conceptually has addressed the issues regarding wage scales, the numbers fall well short of the Union’s expectations. As we have pointed out to the Company; the current state of the economy, other industry settlements, Loblaws’ profitability, and the general cost of living in the […]
Loblaw Negotiations Resume Today
During our last negotiation session held January 11 to 14, the message was made clear to Loblaw that we expected to see a comprehensive monetary offer at our next session. Based on the feedback from our bargaining committee and the proposal surveys, it has been made abundantly clear that the current wage classifications are not […]
UFCW Union Pension Plan – Upcoming Retirement Planning Seminar
The Bilsland Griffith Benefit Adminstrators group has announced that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, their in-person Retirement Planning Seminars (RPS) has been put on hold. However, they are pleased to offer a virtual RPS on May 15 and 16, 2022. This retirement planning seminar is open to any active member of the Safeway, Overwaitea […]
COVID-19: B.C. to drop mask mandate Friday for indoor public spaces
B.C. health officials announced Thursday that the province will remove its order requiring masks in all indoor public spaces as of 12:01 a.m. Friday, March 11 2022. Individual businesses will still be permitted and supported by provincial health to require masks if the owners decide to. A requirement for workplaces to mandate masks will be […]
New Servicing Territories Announced
During the last telephone town hall membership meeting, President Dan Goodman provided an update on staffing changes that are to come into effect today, Tuesday March 1. The announcement included the hiring of former UFCW National staff, Michael Toal. As a national rep, Mike assisted UFCW local unions across Western Canada (including Local 247) with […]
Pink Shirt Campaign 2022
Earlier this month we made the announcement that a limited number of Pink Shirts were available for members to join in our collective effort to spread the message that “Bullying Is Not Ok”. On February 23, UFCW Local 247 was proud to see the show of solidarity shared by our union members during the anti-bullying […]
1st Quarter Telephone Town Hall – Randow Draw Winners
The random draw winners of last night's telephone town hall meeting are: -Dustin Wohlgemuth – Member at Superstore 1552 -Maxine Keeping – Shop Steward at Superstore 1555 -Amanda Kendall – Member at Superstore 1532 Congratulations to the three of you! Your union representative will be contacting you to arrange delivery of your $100 Superstore gift […]
UFCW Canada and Uber Canada reach historic agreement
Uber drivers/delivery people have a voice at work now! The newly announced 5-year National Agreement between UFCW Canada and Uber Canada gives these workers the opportunity to have representation for deactivation and account disputes. It opens the door to representation for day to day on the job issues, quarterly meetings with Senior Uber Management to […]
Loblaw’s Bargaining Update
Negotiations continued with Loblaw for UFCW 247 members employed at Real Canadian Superstores and Distribution Centers (DC) last week. The retail group met for four days and the DC committee met for three. In both cases it was the first opportunity to get into the monetary proposals. Monetary items are those that carry a cost […]
Safeway & Safeway Extra New Wage Increases Effective January 1.
Effective January 1, 2022, UFCW 247 members working at Safeway and Safeway Extra stores are to receive the following wage increases: -All active Grid B employees at twenty dollars ($20.00) or greater at time of payment shall receive an off-scale increase of $0.40 per hour. -All active Grid B employees earning less than twenty dollars […]
Monetary Discussions to Begin with Loblaw
Negotiations between UFCW Local 247 members employed at Real Canadian Superstores and Loblaw continued on November 29-December 1st with the non-monetary portion of the talks coming to an end….for now. "We resolved a number of proposals from both sides over the session and although there are still outstanding issues, we feel it best to move […]
Telephone Town Hall Randow Draw Winners
The random draw winners of last night's telephone town hall meeting are: -Ryan Leech –Deepu’s No Frills -Stephen Irvine – BC Tree Fruits South -Niusha Hesari – Fresh St. Market #33 Congratulations to them and Thank you to all the members who joined us last night. If you didn't receive a call, please call our […]
B.C. Introduces 5 Days Of Paid Sick Leave For All Workers
Our provincial government has announced that effective Jan. 1, 2022, all workers in B.C. are eligible for five days of sick pay, where businesses will be legally required to provide the days to their employees. “We welcome this new permanent paid sick leave program for B.C. workers, even though it falls short on what community […]
Impact of Current Flooding and Emergency Evacuations
President Dan Goodman has spoken with Sobeys about the current emergency situation and the possible effects on our members. The company has shared their current plan in dealing with stores and employees impacted by the flooding and road issues: 1) Unless the member is evacuated or dealing with a family situation, the employer wants them […]
Children’s Christmas Parties Announced
UFCW Locals 247 and 1518 are ready to welcome you to our annual Children’s Christmas Party held at the Burnaby Village Museum this holiday season. In addition, UFCW 247 is excited to announce that we are expanding on this tradition by offering 2 new events, one in Kelowna and another in Nanaimo. Due to Public […]
Bargaining Update: Superstore
On November 4th and 5th negotiations with Loblaw continued for Local 247 retail members working in Real Canadian Superstores. Over the two days, both sides worked through and agreed on a number of proposals, most of which centered on scheduling and enhanced flexibility for members. "Quite often we discuss proposals on the same topics together but here […]
All Safeway Extra Stores Return the The Safeway Collective Agreement
UFCW 247 has reached an agreement with Sobeys to bring all Safeway Extra stores back under the Safeway collective agreement. As of December 5, 2021, all UFCW 247 members at the three Safeway Extra stores (Willowbrook, Burquitlam and Dawson Creek) will join our other UFCW 247 members working at Safeway stores across the province to […]
$1 Million Raised For Blood Cancer Cures In Vancouver
We are thrilled to announce that the annual Light The Night event in Vancouver has raised an astounding $1,038,700 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC). This historic achievement makes Vancouver one of three major Canadian cities to raise over $1 million annually and brings us one giant step closer in the quest […]
#10Days Campaign – Advocating For Paid Sick Leave
The #10Days Campaign that culminated in a Day of Action on Monday, October 25, aimed at legislating paid sick leave as a right of employment in BC. In an open letter to Premier Horgan, the BC Federation of Labour, with the support its union affiliates, called on the government of BC to bring in a […]
Loblaw’s Distribution Centres – Bargaining Update
Our Loblaw’s distribution centres' bargaining committee has concluded three days of negotiations with the employer. Previously, negotiations were stalled due to concerns related specifically to the distribution of overtime at DC 1935. Sub-committee meetings were setup with DC 1935 management and various options were considered and discussed. During this week's bargaining meetings, agreement (in principal) […]
Winners of UFCW 247’s Iorio Scholarships and Eddy Education Grants Announced
Congratulations to this year’s random draw winners! Winners of $1,500 Iorio Scholarships Preeti Basra – Safeway 4920 Kohlton Tapp – Superstore 1528 Nathan Chan – Superstore 1520 Katherine Koroluk – No Frills, Brad’s Zoe Chavigny – Superstore 1551 Jamie Corbett, dependant of David Corbett – Centennial Foods Mojtaba Zabihi – YIG, Peter’s Iarenjit Rai – […]
Loblaw’s Retail Bargaining Update
The Loblaw’s Retail bargaining committee has concluded a productive three days of negotiations with your employer. Both sides met for face to face bargaining on October 6, 7 & 8 and ended with significant progress being made on the outstanding non monetary issues. Agreement was reached on a number of availability and scheduling related issues and […]
Endless Savings & More (ESM) – Update
UFCW 247 Members can download the UFCW 247 version of the ESM Mobile App to save on everyday purchases from hundreds of businesses including national chain retailers, service and travel providers. The program has been available to our members for a while now and it continues to grow with over 100 new merchants being added […]
Union Election: Results
The election results of this week's voting process are: *President: Dan Goodman *Secretary-Treasurer: Charles Pratt *VP #3: Susan Espin *VP #4: Sandra Peters *VP #5: Dino Castellarin *VP #6: John Lewinski *VP #7: Sandra Geldart *VP #8: David Mowatt *VP #10: David Haere The remainder of the positions were won by acclamation and […]
Union Questions Loblaw Over “Gatekeeper” Cart Wheel Lock Program
Last week in negotiations your Union Negotiating Committee raised concerns over a new Asset Protection program, code name:"Gatekeeper", that Loblaw has introduced on a trial basis at a limited number of Superstores in BC. It is based on a system that locks a customer's cart wheels prior to leaving the store if they have […]
Superstore & Loblaw Distribution Centres Bargaining Update
Another round of bargaining took place this week with your bargaining committees and Loblaw. The retail committee met on September 15, 16, 17 and continued working through the non-monetary proposals. The focus was primarily on scheduling and availability issues for part time members with significant progress being made in several areas. The Dynamic Scheduling proposal occupied much […]
Loblaw Companies announced September 30 won’t be considered a statutory holiday
UFCW Local Unions are calling out Loblaw Companies for refusing to recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a paid holiday and failing to abide by collective agreement language. In 2015, The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), a body mandated to tell Canadians about the truth of residential schools and which […]
Education Department Moving to Head Office
It all started in the early 90s when Local 2000 developed the UFCW Training Centre with the intent to offer education and training to not only it’s 2,000 members but also unemployed workers. At the time, thousands of workers were being laid-off due to restructuring and cutbacks, so the focus became to assist workers in […]
Renewed Mask Mandate Effective August 25
In today’s media release, our provincial government announced the need to bring back a mask mandate for anyone 12 and older in indoor public spaces. This measure is effective August 25, given the continuous and alarming increase in COVID-19 cases. "This measure is needed to ensure that these indoor settings are as safe as they […]
B.C. Wildfires – Resources
As fire crews tirelessly battle wildfires throughout our province, evacuations orders and alerts continue to be triggered in the B.C interior where many of our members live and work. "These are challenging and uncertain times for many of our members in the areas affected by the wildfires" said President Dan Goodman, adding "we are closely […]
Loblaw/ RCSS Bargaining Update
The Loblaw/RCSS bargaining committee had its preliminary meeting with the employer on July 27-30, 2021. The committee, lead by co-chairs President Dan Goodman and Secretary -Treasurer Charles Pratt, met with the employer face to face at the Sheraton Guilford in Surrey to kick off bargaining. Proposals were exchanged, the intent clarified and the bargaining began […]
New Mask Mandate announced for the Central Okanagan
Public Health officials have declared an outbreak for the Central Okanagan area. This announcement included new COVID-19 measures being mandated in the region effective July 29, 2021. Kelowna, West Kelowna, Westbank First Nation, Peachland and Lake Country are now mandated to adhere to the following measures: · Mask mandate for indoor public spaces to address […]
Indigo Chapters Coquitlam workers achieve first collective agreement
It’s a YES! Indigo Chapters Coquitlam workers have ratified their first collective agreement. After voting to join UFCW Local 247 last October and the many months of bargaining that followed, members attended ratification meetings on July 22 to vote on accepting the proposed collective agreement. During the morning and evening meetings, our new members got […]
Members from the YIG Store in Squamish ratify a new collective agreement
On Thursday July 15, members from the Your Independent Grocer (YIG) Store in Squamish ratified a new collective agreement. The 6-year collective agreement covers 103 members; improvements include wage increases and benefit eligibility requirements being dropped by two years. The contract was negotiated by Dean Patriquin – Director of Bargaining/Chair, Union Representative Bruce Jackson, and […]
Negotiations with Loblaw Starting This Month
In preparation for negotiations with Loblaw set to start at the end of this month, President Dan Goodman and Secretary-Treasurer Charles Pratt met with the bargaining committee yesterday. The meeting was held via Zoom and had the committee review the proposal package. All the proposals that were discussed resulted from the input of our members, […]
Changes to Covid-19 Restrictions Coming July 1
After 16 months of on-going restrictions, our province is moving to Step 3 of the Covid-19 restart plan later this week. In yesterday’s press conference, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that starting July 1, wearing a face mask in an indoor public space will no longer be mandatory, but certainly recommended, especially for those who are […]
New CLC President Announcement
We proudly congratulate Bea Bruske and members of Team Unite on their achievement as newly elected leadership of the Canadian Labour Congress. The vote took place June 18, 2021 during the virtual 29th Constitutional Convention. Team Unite is represented by Lily Chang, CLC Secretary-Treasurer and Siobhan Vipond, CLC Executive Vice-President, who will be joined by […]
Indigenous History Month
We enter the month of June with heavy hearts after the remains of 215 young Indigenous children were found in a mass grave at Tk’emlúps te Secwe?pemc First Nation. The site was a former Indian Residential School that closed in 1969. Indigenous History Month is a magnified opportunity to learn about the issues facing Indigenous […]
Sobeys errs in Payroll Step increases for all Grid B members employed at Safeway
Union advises employer they erred in paying all Grid B members their step increase according to the CBA. All Grid B employees entitled to progress up the wage scale in the contract never received their entitled wage scale step increase. After discussing the error with Labour Relations, the employer agreed to rectify the payroll error […]
FG Deli Members Ratify New Agreement
UFCW members employed at the FG Deli facility ratified a new five (5) year collective agreement at votes held over the last two days. The majority of members will see an immediate $1.25 increase with another .50 increase this December. The top rates for each category will increase by $3.25 over the term of the […]
Telephone Town Hall Draw Winners
The Draw winners from yesterday's Telephone Town Hall are: Debbie Koyanagi, member at Superstore 1555 Rachel Brod, member at Superstore 1531 Omeed Hosseini, member at Superstore 1518 Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated!
Tentative Agreement Reached in Negotiations for FG Deli members
Late in the day on May 11th, the UFCW 247 Negotiating Committee representing FG Deli members reached a tentative agreement with the Employer on a new collective agreement. The settlement was reached with the assistance of Mediator Mark Atkinson and came after we had met almost 30 days over the last 7 months. The two […]
UFCW 247 President Dan Goodman and Secretary-Treasurer Charles Pratt sworn in
President Dan Goodman and Secretary-Treasurer Charles (Chuck) Pratt were sworn in to office earlier today at a meeting of the UFCW Local 247 Executive Board. “It really is a tremendous responsibility to represent our members as President,” said Dan Goodman, “and I’m looking forward to working with our members and Executive Board and staff to […]
UFCW Canada observes Asian Heritage Month
May marks the celebration of Asian Heritage Month, a time when we recognize the invaluable contributions of people of Asian descent to Canada’s social, political, economic, scientific, and cultural landscape. It is also a moment in which we acknowledge the resistance of people of Asian descent in Canadian history. This year, we are observing Asian […]
Vaccinations begin for grocery store workers in Fraser Health Region *Updated*
The union has learned that grocery workers over age 18 living in the Fraser Health Region are now being priorized for the Covid vaccine as essential workers. On the registration page, you will enter your personal and contact information. You will need to enter a special access code that will be provided to you from […]
UFCW Local 247 Wins at Labour Board on Appeal of Sobeys Final Offer Selection
The decision of the Final Offer Selection Arbitrator in September 2020 was appealed by Sobeys to the Labour Relations Board. The Arbitrator found that Sobeys offer on whether it could introduce third party kiosks in Local 247 jurisdiction was permissible, but only if it did not impact jobs or work of Local 247 members. Arbitrator […]
Vaccine clinics for grocery store workers begin in Vancouver Coastal Health region
UFCW Local 247 was advised that Covid-19 vaccine clinics for grocery store workers are beginning in Vancouver, Richmond, North Vancouver, and West Vancouver (the Vancouver Coastal Health region). Please remember, to get the vaccine, it is up to each individual to register, and you can do so by clicking here. The message from Vancouver Coastal […]
Hope (and frustration) as UFCW 247 members wait for vaccine rollout
UFCW Local 247 members are among the thousands of grocery store workers in BC still waiting for the Covid-19 vaccination. Despite being designated essential workers, there has yet to be an organized rollout of a vaccination program, to the frustration of the union’s members. “There was a lot of hope generated with the earlier announcement […]
Paid leave for BC workers receiving vaccinations
A new law proposed by the BC government will provide workers up to 3 hours of paid leave to get each dose of their Covid-19 vaccine. “This means workers won’t lose pay if they need time away from work to get vaccinated,” says Dan Goodman, interim President of UFCW Local 247, “and that’s an important […]
UFCW 247 member Solmaz Habibi receives BDM scholarship
UFCW 247 member Solmaz Habibi is one of eighteen recipients of this year’s BDM Scholarship award granted to members and their family. Solmaz is studying holistic nutrition at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition where she aspires to pay it forward once completing her program. “This financial assistance allows me to concentrate on my education, bringing me one step […]
Help us get paid sick leave for BC workers!
The Covid-19 pandemic has made it clear that sick pay for all workers in BC is vital for the health of our workplaces and communities. It's time for BC workers to have job-protected paid sick leave. We can't afford to wait for another outbreak. The good news is that Premier John Horgan has said he […]
UFCW Canada supports Equal Pay Day – April 9, 2019
Toronto – April 8, 2019 – On April 9, UFCW Canada activists from across the country will join in observing Equal Pay Day – a day that represents how far into the next year a woman must work to earn the same amount made by a man in the previous year. Nationally, women in Canada […]
Job-Protected Leave For Workers to Get COVID-19 Vaccine
The B.C. Provincial Government announced improvements under the Employment Standards Act that includes the introduction of job-protected leave to allow Part-time and Full-time workers the ability to take the time needed to travel and receive the vaccine or to take a dependent family member to receive the vaccine without fear of losing their job. "Workers […]
President Suzanne Hodge retires, Secretary-Treasurer Dan Goodman to serve as President
At a meeting today of the UFCW Local 247 Executive Board, President Suzanne Hodge advised the Local 247 Executive Board that she will be stepping down as President effective today (March 31), and retiring on May 1, 2021. The UFCW Constitution states at Article 35, 24, (D): 1. Where vacancies occur in any office of a […]
UFCW 247 and Sobeys to Partner on Meat Cutter Training Program
As part of the recent Sobeys reopener and FOS decision, the Union was able to negotiate that the Employer approve a voluntary severance/buyout offering to a minimum of ten (10) Grid A Meat Cutters. It has always been difficult to get the Employer to consider these types of severance/buyouts for Meat Cutters, and we were […]
Multiple Safeway locations to Move from Appendix B
UFCW 247 and Sobeys are pleased to announce that they have made an agreement that will see multiple Safeway locations move from Appendix B stores to Appendix A stores before the one-year timeline outlined in Arbitrator John Halls Award. The parties have agreed that the following schedule will be in place for the stores to […]
B.C. Announces Front-line priority workers, including Grocery Workers, eligible for April Vaccinations
The province of B.C. announced that More than 300,000 front-line workers, including first responders, grocery store employees, teachers and child-care workers will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations In April. “We know how challenging this pandemic has been on our front-line workers,” Premier John Horgan said. “Many of these people have come to work throughout this pandemic, continuing […]
Safeway members – health benefit coverage extended to May 31
The Trustees of the UFCW Health and Welfare Trust Plan recognize that our members and their families are experiencing varying levels of uncertainty during this global crisis. As a result, the Trustees have approved benefit coverage continuance to assist those who may struggle to meet the minimum required hours to maintain Plan eligibility. Grid A and Grid […]
webCampus expands skilled trades programs with professional cook pre-apprenticeship; Register Now
UFCW Canada’s webCampus online learning platform has recently launched its newest pre-apprenticeship program for professional cooks. Identified as one of the country’s most in demand trades a career in the culinary arts offers an opportunity to showcase one’s unique skills and talents in everyday creations. As the hospitality sector recovers from the pandemic, careers in […]
Paid Sick Days Now!
Please help send a message to Prime Minister Trudeau and Canada’s Premiers demanding 7 permanent paid sick days for all workers in Canada, and 14 additional days during a pandemic like the COVID-19 crisis. COVID-19 has impacted workplaces across the country, and every day frontline workers risk catching COVID-19 and getting seriously ill. If they […]
B.C. Announces Front-line priority workers, including Grocery Workers, eligible for April Vaccinations
The province of B.C. announced that More than 300,000 front-line workers, including first responders, grocery store employees, teachers and child-care workers will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations In April. “We know how challenging this pandemic has been on our front-line workers,” Premier John Horgan said. “Many of these people have come to work throughout this pandemic, continuing […]
Loblaw DC’s Operational Changes Announced
On the morning of Mar 15, 2021 UFCW 247 Union Representative Johnny Khakh was contacted by Loblaw DC management over changes they were announcing to the DC operations which may have an impact on some of our members' employment. The changes include the movement of goods and functions from one distribution center to another. While […]
UFCW Canada celebrates International Womens Day 2021
March 8 marks International Women's Day (IWD), a time to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and girls everywhere. A time to recognize the women who inspire us, and a time to renew discussions about the importance of gender equality in Canada and around the world. The day also marks a […]
BC Tree Fruit Members Ratify Three Year Deal
UFCW 247 members employed at BC tree Fruit have ratified a new three year collective agreement with their employer. The agreement contains wage increases of 3%/ 2.5%/ 2% over the term and many other improvements such as: Increased sick time Increased footwear allowance New dispute resolution process Maintained the commitment to bargain early next negotiations […]
Sobeys Announces Closure of Safeway Surrey Central Store 4900
We have received notice, pursuant to Section 54 of the British Columbia Labour Relations Code and section 64 of the British Columbia Employment Standards Act, that Sobeys plan to close Safeway Surrey Central Store 4900 located at 10355 King George Boulevard, Surrey on May 29, 2021. Members were issued termination letters and also received notice […]
Telephone Town Hall Draw Winners
The Draw winners from yesterday's Telephone Town Hall are: Crystal Berikoff, member at BCTF Ana Maria Ferradas, member at Superstore 1523 Kulwant Saund, member at Superstore 1518 Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated!
Loblaw Commits to Stop Using Toxic BPA & BPS Receipts
Toronto – January 26, 2021 – In response to calls from UFCW Canada and environmental and advocacy partners, Loblaw Companies Limited has made a public commitment to phase out receipt paper containing hazardous BPA, BPS and other bisphenol alternatives from its stores by the end of 2021. This phase out will apply to all of […]
UFCW National President Calls on Retailers and Manufacturers to Renew Covid-19 Premium Pay
As we have reported in the past, UFCW Local 247 and other UFCW Locals across Canada have been telling employers what our members already know: we are still in a pandemic and they need to renew the Covid-19 Premium Pay many of them were paying last summer. Many of these efforts have been coordinated with […]
Safeway wage increases effective January 1
On January 1, UFCW 247 members working at Safeway were to begin receiving their first wage increase since March of 2018 Members who were frozen at minimum wage or behind on the wage scale will have their pay adjusted to the next step on the wage scale, and then will progress up that wage scale […]
Congrats to BDM Scholarship winner Solmaz Habibi of Superstore #1520!
Congratulations to UFCW Local 247 member Solmaz Habibi, who was one of 18 winners across Canada of a $1,000 BDM Scholarship. Solmaz works at Superstore #1520 in North Vancouver. Every year, UFCW Canada offers 18 UFCW Canada – BDM Scholarships worth $1,000 each to members and their families to help with the costs of post-secondary education. Allocated by […]
UFCW Canada launches ground-breaking Equity Grant Program
UFCW Canada is proud to announce the launch of our ground-breaking Equity Grant Program. The new program builds on our union’s longstanding efforts to support the work of UFCW members and the communities they serve. The Equity Grant Program aims to support newcomer programs, human rights initiatives, and community action projects by providing a total […]
Sewak’s No Frills members – important meetings Monday, vote on contract Tuesday
Sewak's No Frills members – important meetings Monday, contract vote Tuesday UFCW 247 members working at Sewak's No Frills in Port Coquitlam are reminded they have an important meeting on Monday, December 14, to review the details of the newly negotiated Collective Agreement. Given the Covid-19 pandemic, for members' convenience there will be 2 meetings scheduled […]
Human Rights Day
On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Declaration stipulates universal values and international standards of human rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being. Human Rights Day, December 10, commemorates the day the Declaration was adopted and is an opportunity to emphasize the importance […]
December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
Each year on December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, we mourn the loss and honour the memory of the 14 women students at Montreal’s École Polytechnique, who in 1989 were viciously murdered by a lone gunman simply because they were women. The National Day of Remembrance and Action […]
UFCW 247 Women’s Committee makes a difference in the lives of women
UFCW 247 Women’s Committee makes a difference in the lives of women The UFCW 247 Women’s Committee takes on activities that make a difference in the day-to-day lives of women, and UFCW 247 members are invited to join and participate in some rewarding work. The Women’s Committee does work in the community that involves much […]
Telephone Town Hall Draw Winners
The Draw winners from yesterday's Telephone Town Hall are: Russ Ritchie – member at Superstore 1561 Miriam Del Aguila – member at Superstore 1556 Kailey Logan – member at Superstore 1562 Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated!
Cashiers: are you forced to stay late in your till?
Cashiers: are you forced to stay late in your till? As anyone who has worked retail knows, Cashiers can not leave their till (and their customers) until another Cashier is there to take your spot. Some UFCW 247 members working as Cashiers have advised the union that they regularly have to stay an extra unpaid […]
Members and union staff discuss Covid-19 and mandatory masks
Members and union staff discuss Covid-19 and mandatory masks On November 19th, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that anyone entering a grocery or retail store must wear a mask if they are medically able to do so. For many of our members this was a much-anticipated announcement. The same night, we held our quarterly […]
MASKS NOW MANDATORY IN BC PUBLIC PLACES Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced today that British Columbians must now wear masks in all indoor public places. She explained that she reversed her stance on the issue after hearing that businesses were concerned about having to enforce guidelines on mask-wearing in a bid to slow the […]
BC Tree Fruit Town Hall and Ratification Meetings- Updated with Memorandum
BC Tree Fruit Town Hall and Ratification Meetings- Updated with Memorandum On Monday November 23rd we will be holding two (2) Town Hall meetings to explain the changes to the collective agreement and answer any questions members may have prior to the ratification votes. They will take place at 11 am and 7 pm and […]
Telephone Town Hall meeting for members November 19
Telephone Town Hall meeting for members November 19 at 7:00pm (PST) The next “Telephone Town Hall” for UFCW 247 members takes place on Thursday, November 19, at 7:00 pm (PST). You can also dial in to the meeting by calling 1.877.229.8493, with ID #116389 and following the prompts. Take the call on your computer: the Telephone Town […]
UFCW Canada observes Remembrance Day – November 11
UFCW Canada observes Remembrance Day – November 11 Over a century ago, on November 11, 1918 at 11 a.m., the First World War came to a conclusion with the signing of an armistice agreement that brought an end to the hostilities. Each year since, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th […]