March 08, 2019
International Women’s Day is March 8

The first International Women's Day occurred in 1911, supported by over one million people. Today, IWD is celebrated all over the world with a renewed commitment: Let's Build a Gender-balanced World.

Gender balance is essential for our families, our workplaces and our communities to thrive. Collective action and shared responsibility for driving a gender-balanced world is key. While International Women's Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – it is also an annual call-to-action for accelerating gender balance.

This year, the UFCW Women’s Network and the UFCW Canada’s Women & Gender Equity Committee will be participating in the International Women's Day 2019 campaign theme: #BalanceforBetter.

Join the campaign to build a gender-balanced world — 

  • Motivate others – Have your picture taken with your hands out in a#BalanceforBetter photo. On March 8th, take a balanced pose and make International Women's Day YOUR day – and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women and gender balance everywhere
  • Amplify via social media – On March 8, 2019, post your #IWD2019 message on social media with your "hands out" balanced pose for a strong call-to-action for others to also help forge a #BalanceforBetter.

Balance drives a better world. Let's all help create a #BalanceforBetter.

In solidarity,
Paul R. Meinema
National President