April 24, 2024
Day of Mourning – April 28

In just over a week, unions and workers across Canada will mark the Day of Mourning. April 28 is set aside to mourn the workers we’ve lost to workplace injury and illness and think of the workers who’ve survived, but whose lives have been deeply altered.

Labour-sponsored Day of Mourning events are happening throughout BC. You can find a list here. And you can find more information at DayofMourning.bc.ca. We hope you’ll make a plan to join workers, friends and family at one of these events.

Spreading this message and awareness is important to all our UFCW members and workers in BC to keep workplace health and safety as an important priority.

The pain those deaths and injuries leave in their wake lasts year-round — and so does our determination to end them.

Despite the real progress we’ve made in making workplaces safer, the number of workers who die every year because of their jobs remains near its all-time high. That’s why this day is not about grief and remembrance alone; it’s about action.

And that’s why, not only on April 28 but on every day, we recommit to the constant fight for workplace safety. Workers’ lives depend on us.
